The Standard Industrial Classification or SIC is a system that classifies industries by a four-digit code. Used by various government agencies to classify multiple industry areas, this system was established in 1937 in the United States. Every industry division contains various SIC codes denoting a range of subcategories in that industry. Lake B2B can equip marketers with an email database categorized as per the SIC codes of the industries they are looking to connect with.
Our SIC code look-up toolkit can help you identify the SIC codes of your most potential buyers, clients, or companies. We not only help you identify these SIC codes, but also assist you in building a database that is highly customized and accurate. A database based on these SIC codes can then enable you to segment your target market. It can also help you build and run multi-channel marketing campaigns across the globe with ease and efficiency.
The thumb rule for marketing that is approachable and drives desirable results is to know your prospects. You cannot connect with your potential prospects better if you don’t know them well – their pain points, their choices, and preferences around buying decisions, demographics, and a lot more. The first step in knowing all these is to have sufficient knowledge of their services and solutions in their industry divisions.
To explain more, the SIC system spans the economy into 11 divisions. These divisions are further divided into 83 2-digit groups that are then divided into 416 3-digit industry groups. At last, they are dis-aggregated into 1,005 4-digit industries. SIC codes come into the picture to help you identify and classify your potential and existing customers by their industries. These codes help you segment various categories and subcategories of businesses within a company.
The Standard Industrial Classification or SIC codes are classification codes allotted to various industries and their businesses based on their primary business lines. To find a company’s SIC code in our look-up toolkit, you can fill in the contact us form on this page and let us know your requirements. We will get back with a response.
A company can have only one Primary SIC code determined by the industry classification, which generates the highest value of shipments or revenue. A company operating in more than one activity can have Secondary SIC Codes.
Yes, every company has a primary SIC code categorized as per the industry division, which generates the highest value of shipments or revenue. If the company operates in more than one activity, it can have an additional secondary SIC code as well.
In a four-digit SIC code, the first two digits identify the major industry group. The third digit denotes the industry group while the fourth digit classifies the specific industry.
SIC codes are (generally) self-assigned. Governments ask companies and establishments to provide the SIC code that best reflects those companies’ businesses.
As per the United States SIC Code system, there are 1,514 codes that are included in these levels: 2-digit, 3-digit, and 4-digit levels. The US government had written into the SIC Code manual that agencies could use additional subdivisions within specific four-digit industries to further break down industries. The SIC system divides the activities of establishments into 11 divisions. These divisions are then divided into 83 2-digit major groups. These major groups are divided into 416 3-digit industry groups, and at last, into 1,005 4-digit specific industries.
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