B2B Sales Leads

Get update record of B2B Executives from the US and other countries with our accurate and verified business leads database.

Total no. of contacts450+ Million Business Executives Data



Countries Covered



Industry Expertise

100% Verified


Verified Database



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Reliable B2B Sales Leads List to Carry out Successful Marketing Campaigns

Reaching out to quality leads is becoming harder and harder. Customers are already bombarded with information from every corner, each of your leads is unique and so are their needs and pain-points, or worse, your marketing and sales teams could be running out of creative juices since most of their vital energy is spent in gathering leads and customer data.

Running personalized marketing campaigns across channels is stressful enough; don’t burden your teams with the responsibility of procuring and maintaining the B2B leads database. Leave all that hassle on the shoulders of data experts such as those at Lake B2B! We will help you connect with the right people at the right time with the right message, be it tech-savvy professionals, C-level executives, healthcare specialists, or more.

Buy Our B2B Sales Leads List to Grow Your Business

Lake B2B’s data experts will compile your B2B sales leads database taking into consideration your unique marketing needs and specifications. Find a plethora of data fields covered on the most qualified leads such as their Full Name, Industry of Operation, Job Title, Contact Number, Email and Postal Address, and more.

With nearly 75+ data fields covered, you can know exactly who your mailing list leads are and how to connect with each. Either targets them via email, give them a cold call, weave in personalized content, exhibit at tradeshows, etc. and get them to become loyal customers of your brand.

Your Emailing Leads are Waiting for You!

You may think that you are desperate to reach out to your target group of leads; however, have you ever paused to reflect upon the fact that they are also looking for you? However, the only small problem is you do not know each other. Lake B2B solves this problem with our US leads list.

Built to be highly active, fresh, and relevant, you can contact the hottest B2B email leads, no matter which corner of the world they’re in. And what’s more, is that you need not restrict yourself to email marketing. We will help you run multi-channel marketing campaigns, be it event marketing, direct marketing, telemarketing, or more.

No matter how notoriously niche your industry is, or your marketing needs are, Lake B2B will fulfill all precision targeting needs with a sales leads database that is accurate, highly responsive, well-segmented, and easy to integrate with your existing CRM software.

buy email list best place lake b2b

Purchase Sales Leads Database and Hit the Market with Actionable Data

The axe and tree rule is the best when it comes to marketing – the more time you spend in identifying and preparing to reach your target, the sooner you’ll be there. Lake B2B’s deep data intelligence will make your marketing campaigns successful, at least 90% of the time.

With such a high response rate guarantee, you can easily attract targeted email leads crossing all borders – of geography, demographics, or industry. Target your intended audience in the US, UK, or Australia; choose your leads from the manufacturing, automotive, telecommunications, banking, and finance, or any other industry of your choice.

Before you choose us as your data partner, you might want to go through our gamut of services. We give you the chance to test our services for free. So, get your sample mailing list today.

Expand your Business

Why Buy Business Sales Leads from Lake B2B?

  • To ensure maximum deliveryability, lists are regularly updated
  • We can create custom email lists based on your needs
  • Sources of accurate data are authentic
  • Each month, more than 3,000,000 phone verification calls are made

Frequently Asked Questions

What are B2B Sales Leads?

B2B Sales leads is a database that includes email addresses and other relevant information of different businesses from around the world.

How authentic are your B2B Lead Lists?

We have compiled business data from legitimate sources such as trade fairs, government listing, opt-in emails addresses, leading journals, and business directories. Each data that you get from our sales leads list is accurate and error-free.

How frequently do you update you B2B sales lead lists?

We verify the b2b sales leads database quarterly to ensure that they are up-to-date. To maintain the cleanliness of our B2B email list, we make more than 70 million verification calls and send out over 7.5million verification emails.

What information will I get in business leads database?

We at Lake B2B provide accurate, verified and updated contact information like, name, email address, phone number; SIC code, geographic location, mailing address, and much more.

Get Started Today!

Get in touch with us to discover more about your target market, generate genuine and relevant leads, and increase your marketing ROI with our top-notch Mailing List Database.

Grow your ROI with result-focused Global B2B Contact Data

Grow your ROI
with result-focused
Global B2B Contact Data

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"Lake B2B showed us the many benefits of reaching business contacts via email lists. By targeting specific individuals or businesses, we were able to significantly improve our chances of making a sale. Additionally, Lake B2B’s email lists provided opportunities for building relationships with potential customers and fostering goodwill within our targeted industry community. Lake B2B’s email lists proved to be a powerful marketing tool that helped us achieve our business goals."

-Jeff Kramer

VP of Marketing

"When you are looking to reach new customers, it's important to think about all of the different ways you can market your business. One of the most effective methods proved to be Lake B2B’s email lists that helped us connect with business contacts. Their list proved to be beneficial for our overall marketing strategy, also resulted in increased sales and better customer retention. "

– Bob Koleman

Digital Marketing Manager

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