Trusted Medical Database For NPI Based Physician Advertising & Targeting

Accurately Infer Healthcare Provider Speciality and Best Geographies
NPI data appending

We Make It Easy To Deliver
Exceptional Experience On Every Channel

NPI compliance data represents wealth of information about healthcare providers’ HIPPA status. It gives information about the specialities of healthcare professionals and physicians associated with the healthcare giver organization.

This information gives pharma marketers and medical solution providers a basic understanding of what might be of interest to the physicians whom they want to reach based on their speciality.

Such a regularly refreshed healthcare record is an essential guide for those looking to deliver engaging and personalized messages to physicians in the USA based on their specialities.

Lake B2B’s geo-targeted NPI data can help you uncover the total number of physicians that you want to reach out to in a specific region with geo-targeted and pre-qualified lists.

Exceptional Experience On Every Channel

A Cost-Effective Way To Run HCP Campaigns

Lake B2B data experts can help you understand the most prospective healthcare audiences that are available for your HCP campaigns by inferring the NPI database.

  • To begin with, calculate the total addressable physician contacts that are available for you to serve your offerings.
  • After identifying the total physicians based on the specialities inferred from the NPI database, start mining more information.
  • Identify the Healthcare Providers who have displayed purchase intent in the recent past and forecast sales based on NPI compliance.

Simply provide your existing website visitor or subscriber database and get back a highly enriched lead database that is ready for your next campaign.

Cost-Effective Way
Verified NPI Physician Data

Verified NPI Physician Data

We bring you the most comprehensive medical specialty file on the market that can help you decipher physician needs based on NPI compliance. Our NPI based analysis can deliver over 5 million specialists who can be reached using email, postal, and telemarketing campaigns.

Accurate and regularly refreshed healthcare decision maker record makes it a powerful tool for launching highly effective lookalike advertising campaigns using Facebook and LinkedIn.

Make New Inroads With Lake B2B Healthcare Insights

The names and prefixes on each record along with the complete contact and postal data of your healthcare targets make this file a powerful tool for your multi-channel marketing campaign. Get your existing data appended to find more insights over and above your existing data. Build and enrich your existing database with 110+ information fields of your top healthcare prospects.

  • Direct mailing addresses
  • NPI and State License numbers
  • Taxonomy codes
  • Specialty and sub-specialty
  • Mailing Address and Phones
  • EMR/EHR information

TStart influencingphysicians and Healthcare providers based on NPI based advertising with our HCP specialitybehaviordata.

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