Find accurate B2B lead data & accelerate marketing automation for your clients.

Database of Prospects Who Want Marketing Automation

Healthcare Industry

Optimize funnel operations & attract clients using verified account database and intelligence

Become a Marketing Automation Sales Champion & Improve Conversions

Buying Intent

Want to drive successful engagement tactics and desirable campaigning metrics amid competition? Start with deep customer intelligence and lead accuracy.

Begin your prospecting efforts by asking questions like:

  • How to accurately audit the market to find top-spending customers?
  • How can we harness account-based intelligence to craft personalized pitches?
  • How can we optimize funnel operations to avoid resource wastage?
  • How to create attractive price models for our marketing automation service?
Join hands with our marketing automation industry experts to enjoy profitable results and explosive growth.

With accurate lead prospecting data, convince the top management to get onboard.

Access a Repository of Qualified Accounts Ready to Adopt Marketing Automation

When competing in a market full of customers looking for personalized, niche automation solutions, why waste time and resources on underqualified accounts?

With our rigorously vetted and segmented prospecting database, access a list of business leaders and decision-makers seeking marketing automation solutions:

  • Find customers who want to automate lead scoring and management
  • Find customers who want to automate campaign management
  • Find customers who need marketing funnel automation
  • Find customers who need customer journey automation
  • Find customers who want to automate email campaigns
  • Find customers who want to automate online advertising

We take the hassles away from prospecting. Scoring market-qualified leads doesn’t have to be painful. Rely on our range of sales expertise and solutions to execute result-driven target programs every time.

Increasing average customer value and achieving sales target goes hand in hand.

Best Sales Prospecting Database and Lead Pipeline for Marketing Automation Companies

When selling, friction from the top management is usually the biggest roadblock to a successful sale. But implementing a higher degree of segmentation, understanding critical triggers, and following up on time can not only boost conversions, but retention as well.

Arm your sales team with the customer intel they need to convince and get the buy-in from c-suites. We offer 360-degree support for lead generation and management tailored to your business pain points.

Our core marketing and sales competencies include:

  • Industry Customer Insights
  • Professionally Vetted Database
  • Customer Understanding
  • Concept Testing
  • Virtual Solutions for Product Demos
  • Account Based Marketing
  • Inbound SEO
  • Pricing Research
  • Brand Equity Research
  • Market Entry
  • Geotargeting
  • Technographic Segmentation
  • Market Sizing
  • Usage and Attitude Survey
  • Needs Research
  • Opportunity Identification

Benefit from 100% Lead Accuracy. Engage Valuable Accounts Directly Using Verified Account Intelligence

  • Execute successful demand mapping for addressable market verticals and niche segments
  • Provide information-rich content and marketing collateral to build awareness and market credibility
  • Engage high-value accounts seeking marketing automation services and most interested in a buy-in

Better Patient Care


Outsource growth expertise to enjoy consistent results and stable profits from prospecting efforts.

Gain a Deeper Understanding of Customer Needs for Successful Market Proliferation

  • Understand customer challenges, fears, and marketing goals deeply by accessing TAM intelligence
  • Partner with top-notch marketing experts to design and launch prospect-focused outreach campaigns
  • Access customer intent and actionable insights systematically to enrich the sales operations
  • Receive 360-degree campaign management support for qualified and cold leads to improve conversions

The Most Challenging Bottlenecks in the Marketing Automation Industry Today

  • Getting the company’s top management on board from the beginning of the sales process
  • Successfully creating an alignment strategy for the marketing and sales operations
  • Accurately gauging the customer sentiments towards technology and digitalization
  • Convincing organizations to reorient funds from old marketing and sales operations to digitally-driven ones
  • Consistently increasing the value per customer by cross-selling additional services
  • Effectively managing the lifecycle of a targeted account from identification to conversion
  • Avoiding waste of resources on underqualified leads and sales opportunities bound for a loss

Ready to take your business to the next level?
Connect with our marketing and growth experts.

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