Our premium data comes from a combination of US's top list owners, and a wide variety of sources such as:
We have an extensive group of business users online, who provide us with the data through our premium crowd sourcing platform. The data obtained through crowd sourcing is verified and validated before being updated on to the central database. To ensure your data is accurate, up-to-date, and complete, we make over 24 million calls each year.
We go above and beyond the industry standards to ensure the data you access is as accurate and complete as possible. In fact, we invest more than $20 million annually and employ more than 350 full-time researchers to compile and verify the information in our databases.
But we also recognize that no database can be perfect. Businesses are constantly closing down, executives changing, and 20 percent of the consumer population moves every year. And while 100-percent accuracy is our goal, it is highly unlikely. Therefore, it is natural to receive a small amount of outdated information.
Most databases are emailed in Excel. Our US Standard database can be downloaded from our secure server area and also comes with a unique and very useful online search and download facility, which allows you to do your own searches, and build your own lists without having to trawl through millions of records in Excel.
We can offer most other formats on request (text, access, sql etc.)
We comply with the CAN-SPAM ACT and other laws applicable to data collection and its distribution. Users and subscribers are protected as according to the laws stipulated. We respect our clients' privacy and ensure utmost safety and confidentiality of information.
Lake B2B has the most stringent verification schedule in the industry. Quite simply no other company updates their business information more frequently that we do. With over 10,000 connected outbound calls made within our call center on a daily basis, we ensure that every business record on our database is contacted at least once every 12 months, and for businesses that are more volatile in nature, we contact them even more frequently.
Because of the excellent quality of our data this is not really an issue. We even have penalty clauses in place with our key partners to ensure that our data never falls below the highest set standards of accuracy levels. However no database is perfect and a business has the propensity to change the moment the phone is put down after verification. So, as an extra reassurance, should you ever find we are less than 97% accurate, simply flag any errors to us, and we will replace any inaccurate records.
We offer various services depending on your requirement. Most of the services offered take under 24 hours to deliver. If there are larger products or custom- built list requests it could take within over 6 to 7 days to deliver.
Yes we can de-dupe against your existing client list. Lake B2B has a set of Appending services like email appending, phone appending, postal address appending, social media appending, reverse appending etc. that can make any database work for you. It is through this process that your database is imported by our system which is then matched with Lake B2B's master database. This is faster, quicker and the most viable option for any business which is running ahead of its times.
Yes, we sell all type of data across the Globe. Whatever data you are looking for, just send in your requirement with complete details and we will be happy to provide you the records.
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