Postal Address Appending Services

Expand your reach, connect with the right target audience globally

Lake B2B’s Postal Address Appending Services can enhance performance of your existing marketing database

Data has a short shelf life. People change jobs, move from one city to another, create new email addresses and it does not take long for information like contact data to go from right to wrong. Lake B2B, showing the way towards data-driven marketing for the last 15 years, brings you Postal Address Appending Services, wherein you can get your existing data verified and updated. This process flow shows you the various steps we take to doubly ensure that we update your database accurately and follow the most secure methods in the process of transferring the updated data back to you. This way you can renew communication with leads collected long back and old customers, ensuring more conversions and repeat sales.

No matter how far we go with our technology, and online campaigns, there are certain campaigns that are effective only when it is made the traditional way.

In business, you might anytime want to launch a direct mail marketing campaign. Considering that direct mail campaigns are quite heavy on your budget, running a campaign on your entire database will prove to be costly. This is when having an updated database will come to your rescue.

Lake B2B’s Postal Address Appending adds the missing postal addresses to your existing database. You may share your database with name and email address or any other field and Lake B2B will update the postal addresses to them. Our professional experts from Lake B2B will work on building the database by updating the postal address of your database.

Benefits of Lake B2B’s Postal Appending Service:

  • Merge records and transaction histories of your email and postal files
  • Launch targeted promotional advertising offers to customers and prospects through zip codes
  • Connect with customers and prospects with items they can touch

Call us on(800) 710-5516 to discuss how we can help!

Improve your Direct Mailing Campaigns with Postal Address Appending Services

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