Mailing Lists

Connect with decision-makers, business professionals, service providers, business owners and more with Lake B2B's affordable Mailing Lists Services

Total no. of contacts450+ Million Data

Global Contact Data


Countries Covered

Industry Job Title


Industry Expertise

100% Verified Database


Verified Database

Delivery Guaranteed


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Purchase Mailing List to generate more qualified Leads

Without an ideal customer base, any marketing campaign will experience failure as the promotional messages will not be delivered to the right inbox. This can be avoided by investing in powerful Mailing Lists which is the campaign and industry-specific.Today, email has become the most preferred channel for marketing as it is free and gives marketers the freedom to customize their campaigns. It is a more personal form of communication that at the same time allows the marketers to reach thousands of potential customers at once. Thus, having a strong and reliable Business Mailing List is the need of the hour.

But how can a marketer collate the contact information of thousands of customers in a single list? For this, Lake B2B provides pre-made and customizable Target Email Lists. These Direct Mail Lists are available for various industries and domains and can be further specialized based on the region and demographic you want to target.

Buy Mailing List by Industry to connect with your most potential buyers

Whether you own a business that caters to the IT sector, healthcare industry, real estate, or travel, we have customized and precision-based Email Lists for all. Following are the industries on which we have an expansive repository of email data:

Within each industry, we provide tons of different Mailing Lists which are further specialized based on job titles, location, revenue, etc. Thus, you can get maximum specificity for your business and enhance customer acquisition using our email lists. With Lake B2B’s specialized Mailing List Service, get your message delivered directly to thousands of decision-makers in your industry. Target clients from all over the world and generate qualified leads to gain a market advantage.

Grow your ROI with result-focused Global B2B Contact Data

Grow your ROI
with result-focused
Global B2B Contact Data

Choose data as per your specific criteria

Choose Industry

Choose Industry

Select Job Title

Select Job Title

Choose Location

Choose Location

Pick Employee Size

Pick Employee Size

Pick Revenue Size

Pick Revenue Size

Benefits of Purchasing Mailing Lists from Lake B2B

  • Our extensive Business Mailing List offers marketers only specific details about companies and professionals whom they want to focus on their marketing initiatives.
  • Since we are careful about regularly updating these Business Mailing Address and adhere to the industry regulations we can assure you high deliverability rate.
  • Quick responses from your prospective consumers can elevate your sales along with giving your brand the necessary exposure in the market.
Some of our popular email and
mailing lists for professional include

Why You Need Lake B2B’s Marketing Mailing List Services

At Lake B2B, we understand that targeted campaigns have the power to generate greater ROIs, engagement, and sales than a campaign aimed at a vast population. Therefore, we provide highly segmented Direct Mailing Lists for every industry so that you can create niche promotional campaigns as per your needs. Our expert team works to obtain data of thousands of executives, professionals, and decision-makers from the most reliable sources. These include yellow pages, business cards, public records, and company records. Then the compiled data is validated and finally, every USA Mailing Lists undergoes revisions after 90 days to ensure that the credibility remains unharmed.

Our Mailing Lists for Sale Includes:

  • Name
  • Location
  • Phone Number
  • Designation
  • SIC Code
  • Company
  • Postal Address
  • Practitioner’s Gender
  • Operating Hours

We ensure that the email addresses and telephone numbers on your list are relevant and responsive. You can also custom create your own email list or get the assistance of our technicians b describing your criteria to them. Lake B2B’s B2B Email Lists assure high response rates and are cost-effective as well. Whether it is ZIP code, physical address, city, country, or any other contact details, we are capable of giving you in-depth consumer information. We have been a pioneer in the sector of offering marketers a good quality business mailing list for over a decade. Relevancy is highly focused upon by our data compilers. We believe it is much more important to have a clean prospect list, than a bloated list full of undeliverable/irrelevant data. So without any further delay reach us today to tell us about custom-built Mailing Lists for Sale.

Call at (800) 710-5516 for a free one-on-one consultation or Mailing us at [email protected] for more information on pricing.
"The Lake B2B team was extremely responsive in addressing our challenges in a satisfactory manner. They quickly came up with good solutions and ensured that it met our needs"

– Simon Palmer

Assistant Product Manager

"The list seems to be of good quality and we have not had a large number of undeliverable emails. We do not have any complaints on the list and we would look at utilizing your company again in the future. Thank you again for all of your help and the wonderful customer service that we have received from your team."

– Dora Lisbon


"We enjoyed working with the Lake B2B on a list that identified the skills of the recipient versus just what company or market they represented. Regular feedback ensured we were getting the desired impact and they replaced the leads that did not meet that goal."

– Steve Peterson

VP, Marketing & Channel

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