A marketing database is usually robust and contains too much information to perceive all of it. Once a marketing campaign starts off, databases start losing their validity. The primary reason for this is the change in the details of the consumers. However, marketers are not aware of this and continue with the unmodified databases whose details are gradually becoming invalid. The result is increase in number of bounces and lesser deliverability rates. Does this sound too horrifying?
Not being able to achieve the desired results through your marketing campaigns will result in the failure of your marketing campaign and eventually your products. To combat this, you must verify your marketing database at frequent intervals.
Lake B2B’s televalidation process is a comprehensive solution helping you avoid the above situations. We ensure that any database delivered to you is updated, 100% accurate, and has properly categorized information. While carrying out the televerification process, you will have professionals verify each listing directly on the telephone. Every prospect on the list is called up to ensure that their contact details are active and fit to use.
Also, during the verification process, additional details about the prospects are gathered and incorporated into the database. The marketer thus has more details about his consumers. The final database delivered is thus more functional and capable of yielding better lead generation.