How Lake B2B Improved Cost-Performance Ratio by 60% for a Prominent Professional Research Recruitment Service Provider in the US

Client Introduction:

The client is a leading provider of market research recruiting services with over four decades of experience in the field. Although located in New York City, the company’s reach spans across local, national, and international markets.

The client had specific target criteria in mind – US Facility managers of large manufacturing companies, namely those that manufacture products for the pharmaceutical, life sciences, FMCG, aerospace, and IT industries. The internal teams had their work cut out for them as they needed to create hyper-personalized campaigns for email and social media, with a particular focus on LinkedIn. The goal was to promote their core competencies – medical and executive recruiting, multi-lingual recruiting, full-service project management, and transcription services.

To meet their lead acquisition goals, the client had to collate a premium leads contact database that was 100% accurate, relevant, and up-to-date with contacts showing genuine interest in their professional recruiting research services.

The client’s sales and marketing teams had compiled a single leads contact database for targeting US facility managers across industrial sectors in hopes of acquiring premium SQLs. However, the KPIs told a different story. The engagement rates on LinkedIn and Facebook groups were low, content engagement rates were also poor, native ads failed to see expected clicks, and even email CTRs and CTORs were far from satisfactory. To make matters worse, all this campaigning came at a heavy price as the CPL was too high.

Even general emails inviting recipients to explore more about the client’s usability labs and research facility were not delivered.

Time was ticking fast as the client was losing their competitive edge, despite offering better services than similar providers in the market. This was when the client approached the data-driven marketing experts of Lake B2B to put together a fresh and robust contact database of 500 qualified sales leads.

A Highly Niche Facility Managers’ Contact Database Sought by the Client

Being a niche market player, the client wanted to position marketing data and the total available data under the markets that they specialize in through online platform monetization.

Pharmaceutical and Life SciencesFast-Moving Consumer Goods
Information TechnologyAerospace

A Brief of Some of the Prospects Included by Lake B2B in the Client Database

Lake B2B helped the client connect with facility managers of the industrial sectors they were looking for via accurate multi-channel contact data.

This included email address, direct calling number, physical address, social media handles, and more. The client reached out to the facility managers of the following companies –

  • Pfizer
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Pepsico Inc.
  • Kraft Heinz
  • Apple
  • Dell
  • Jamco Aerospace Inc
  • Griffon Aerospace

Plus, we also helped the client with list segmentation so that their sales and marketing teams could craft hyper-personalized campaigns, not just based on the industrial sector but also the US state. This helped the client carry out hyper-relevant content marketing practices. For instance – Sharing thought leadership content on including sustainability in work practices for the target audience in Alabama and that on top IoT trends for leads in West Virginia.

In the case of IT manufacturing companies, we even provided technographic insights. This helped the client better assess how their services aligned with the tech environment of the company they were targeting.

Lake B2B’s Data Intelligence Solutions to Launch Successful Lead Generation Campaigns for US Facility Managers from the Specific Industrial Sectors

Lake B2B employed its 15+ years’ experience and data expertise to collate a fresh database comprising 500 brand-new sales-ready leads along with retaining the responsive ones from the client’s existing database, but this time, ensuring a cost-effective approach. All points needed to ensure successful lead generation and brand engagement were ticked off.

  • The qualified leads from the client’s existing database were retained, but only after thorough verification and vetting to ensure accuracy and relevancy.
  • The new database was properly segmented on the basis of the industrial sector and geographical location to ensure campaign relevance whilst maintaining the requested contact count.
  • The database was rigorously vetted to ensure only genuinely interested leads passed through the filter so that hyper-personalized marketing messages could be developed.
  • The contact information passed through an extensive, seven-step verification process, which included email and tele-verification to ensure 100% accuracy.
  • All contact data was collected from 100% ethical sources and was compliant with data norms like GDPR, CAN-SPAM, etc.
  • We covered over 110 core data fields across demographic and firmographic details such as NPI codes in the case of pharmaceutical manufacturing companies, technographic insights in the case of IT manufacturing companies, and so on.
  • Since list segmentation enabled the creation of hyper-personal emails, ads, and content, customer acquisition costs hit rock bottom.

As a result of the above practices, the client saw noticeable improvement in their marketing KPIs within the first month. The content engagement rates improved, and so did the ad CTRs. This was especially true in the case of the pharmaceutical industry audiences on LinkedIn, where the CTR was an impressive 2.1%. Moreover, the email CTOR rate was 26%, reassuring that the client’s content was engaging and relevant to what the target audience was looking for. The newly-built contact database successfully bridged the gap between the client and their potential customers, facilitating higher ROIs and giving a much-needed competitive advantage.

Market Your Professional Research Recruiting Services to the Right Audience!

Have similar or custom needs? We’re just a call or email away!
Professional Research Recruiting Services
  • Tell us your unique specifications, or let us help you identify and capture your TAM
  • Have us collate a brand-new contact database or scrub clean your existing one via email and data append and data enrichment practices
  • Build ideal buyer personas based on hard facts, not guesses and run hyper-personalized campaigns across channels
  • Generate higher ROIs than ever before and always maintain a CPR greater than 1
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