Lake B2B’s Lead-Gen Services Enabled This Medical Reference Laboratory Service Provider Triple Campaign Responses within Two Weeks of Deployment

117% Increase in Email Deliverability

1 in Every 2 Appointments Led to Sale

160% Increase in Tele-Contact Rate

123% Increase in ROAS

Industry :Reference Laboratory (Healthcare)
Location :USA
Challenge :Lack of a high-performing CRM that facilitated hyper-relevant multi-channel campaigns.
Solution :An intent-based and accurate contact database that made it possible to cater to prospects’ needs in every stage of the sales funnel.

Audience Targeting Criteria

Three separate targeting criteria, given as under –
Target Geography – Michigan

Those Prescribing HydrocodoneThose Prescribing Oxycodone
Those Prescribing Buprenorphine 

Target Geography – Hawaii

Those Prescribing AlprazolamThose Prescribing Hydrocodone
Those Prescribing OxycodoneThose Prescribing Buprenorphine

Target Geography – Michigan

All doctors/clinics that may have ordered most of these tests based on laboratory billing codes. The client also wanted to know the labs they used as well as the sample count.

Know the Key Targets

An independent medical prescriber or practitioner is a professional of the healthcare world responsible for assessing patients with undiagnosed or diagnosed conditions and prescribing relevant medications that would help tackle the patient’s clinical condition. Though they do not have the broadest prescriptive authority in the US, which is only given to physicians, these professionals can still make prescribing decisions in cases of common and non-life-threatening conditions.

Titles and Accounts Sought by the Client

The client’s targeting title or account was solely medication prescribers.

Meet the Client

The client company is a merger of two reputed healthcare companies, distinguished by their internal infrastructure and industry experience. Based in Troy, Michigan, the client specializes in offering complete medical reference laboratory services to the local communities – Michigan of course and Ohio. From working alongside doctors as a consultative resource to a wide spectrum of testing services, the client company covers them all. Some of their service specialties include genetic testing, toxicology, blood services, and more. In a nutshell, the client is working hard towards preparing the world for the future of medicine.

The Key Challenge

For this particular campaign, the client wanted to target not one, not two, but three separate audience groups in order to market a wide range of their services, including –

  • Respiratory PCR (COVID-19, Flu/RSV, or RPP-Comprehensive)
  • Toxicology
  • COVID-19 (IgG Antibody)
  • STI
  • UTI
  • GI
  • Women’s Health
  • Wound Testing
  • Clinical Lab Tests (Chemistry, Coagulation, Hematology, Urinalysis)
  • PGX
  • Strep
  • Bordetella
  • Flu A/B Rapid

And since different offerings would be suitable for different audience groups, the client wanted to segment their target groups based on the geography and the type of medication. So far so good. The client’s segmentation approach was spot-on and precise enough to help them bag in-market leads that showed strong buying signals. Based on the mailing database collated by the company’s sales and marketing teams, the client launched multi-channel marketing campaigns – social media marketing, especially on LinkedIn for brand awareness, email marketing for hyper-personalized communication, Google PPC campaigns, and tele-calls (plus emails) to make follow-ups.

Expectantly, pilot programs were launched. Given the client’s nature of services and the times we live in, audience demand and response were expected to be high. Nevertheless, the campaign KPIs told a whole different story – email bounce rates were as high as 30%, ROAS on Google PPC clearly indicated that the client was losing money on generic clicks, LinkedIn contact targeting was far from personalized, and contact rate was at an all-time low of just 22%.

The client company’s Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) stated, “Based on the KPIs, it was clear to us that the problem was with our home-grown contact database. Once we get that right, everything, from successful ABM to proper contact targeting on LinkedIn would become a piece of cake. But we didn’t wish to overburden our sales and marketing teams. A reliable third-party data partner was our only hope.”

The Solution

Then, it was through organic search that the client made their first acquaintance with Lake B2B’s team of data experts. After client concerns were assessed thoroughly, our growth-driven marketing experts decided to collate a fresh contact database (three separate ones to be precise) to make the client’s sales and marketing teams’ tasks easier. Since each database was segmented to target a specific audience in a specific region, it was highly unlikely that the client’s marketing messages would land in the wrong inbox or sent to an irrelevant account.

To further cement marketing success, the database was thoroughly validated and made 100% opt-in. Not only that; the opt-in contacts were also those who were in-market seekers or those who were currently interested in knowing more about the client’s products and services. Finally, before pilot campaigns were launched, the database underwent a multi-step verification process to ensure that the details included in it were 100% accurate and free from errors.

Then came the time to test the efficacy of the contact database. Campaigns were launched and results were monitored and recorded. LinkedIn InMails and native ads were published before the relevant audience, Google PPC ads were run but this time, only to be flashed before those whose click would actually lead to profits and not wastage, tele-calls were also arranged to set up further appointments or push for sales based on the leads’ position in the sales funnel. Even custom landing pages were developed to help each lead find exactly what they’d been looking for.


The results were staggeringly good. The client’s email deliverability rate jumped up to a whopping 97% indicating that out of every 100 emails sent, at least 97 were delivered to the relevant audience. Moreover, since the database was based on purchase intent data and opt-in contacts, the email content was truly hyper-relevant and led to higher open rates, CTORs, and CTRs. Consequently, the client was also able to make timely email follow-ups to stay at the top of their prospects’ minds and scheduled tele-call appointments. Some prospects were sent exclusive event invites to help them understand the testing services better. For Google PPC, custom lookalike audiences were created based on which the marketing was done. As a result, the client didn’t waste any resources on the clicks of random leads.

It was found that sales cycles were shortened by 123%, tele-contact rate increased by 160% indicating higher appointment settings, and overall ROAS improved a whopping 213%. The client company’s CMO was overjoyed and remarked, “Within just two weeks of campaign deployment, we saw response rates almost triple. Had it not been for Lake B2B, we wouldn’t have been able to reach our target audience before our competitors.”

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