Educational Industry Email List

Get Education Industry Contact List to connect with the key decision-makers of the education sector to buy/sell Education sector products or services.

Total no. of contacts1,957,190

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Industry Expertise

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Educational Industry is Changed. Are Your Marketing Practices Still the Same?

Perhaps no other year in living memory has disrupted the education sector as 2020; however, the silver lining to this disruption is the industry’s speedy response to EdTech, hybrid schooling, and other innovative approaches to education.

The demand for books and pens has converted into that for virtual whiteboards and EdTech platforms. Looking for customers in the educational industry? Get an Educational Industry Email List from the data experts of Lake B2B; profile your target groups by asking our experts some vital questions, like –

  • What is my SOM in a market so crowded and competitive?
  • How to best identify focus groups for my new-age EdTech platform within my country?
  • What are the lucrative markets to raise demand for my EdTech training services?

No matter the niche audience segment that you wish to target, we will help you secure premium SQLs.

Some of Our Popular Education Mailing Lists include:

Based on the Job Title

  • Board of Directors
  • School or college principals
  • Teachers
  • College professors
  • School administrators

Based on the Education Level

  • Elementary-level schools
  • Primary schools
  • Secondary schools
  • Higher secondary schools
  • Colleges and universities

Based on the Type of College

  • Medical colleges
  • Technical colleges
  • Community colleges
  • Liberal Arts colleges
  • Vocational colleges

Based on Location

  • Country
  • State
  • City
  • Pin Codes

Based on the Type of the Educational Institute

  • Public schools and colleges
  • Private schools and colleges

That’s not it! You can further narrow down your TAM by targeting teachers or professors of a particular subject, and more. With clear insights into your target audience’s budget, authority, needs, and timeline for the need, your Educational Industry Mailing Database will help you address customer pain-points on time.

You will move a step ahead of the ABC strategy – the Always be Helping or ABH strategy to marketing success!

So, what are you waiting for? Contact us today and get your FREE sample sales leads database!

Grow your ROI with result-focused Global B2B Contact Data

Grow your ROI
with result-focused
Global B2B Contact Data

Choose data as per your specific criteria

Choose Industry

Choose Industry

Select Job Title

Select Job Title

Choose Location

Choose Location

Pick Employee Size

Pick Employee Size

Pick Revenue Size

Pick Revenue Size

Benefits of Educational Industry Email List

  • Accurate data collected from authentic sources
  • Data updated regularly to maintain the accuracy
  • Customized list preparation based on your specific needs
  • Comprehensive marketing data provided to facilitate your multi-channel marketing
  • Anti-spam laws compliance
  • Maximized revenue
Some of our popular email and
mailing lists for professional include

Pass with Flying Colors When You Invest in an Educational Industry Database That is Thorough and Responsive

Ever since digitization and technology became the norm in the education sector, the industry’s key decision-makers and other professionals are constantly bombarded with cold calls and emails that claim to address pain-points, real or perceived. The key to marketing right lies in choosing a mix of non-intrusive approaches – hyper-personalized emails, social media engagement, and then go on to a scheduled phone call. Our Educational Industry Contact List is ideal because –

  • You receive in-depth information of your sales leads, with over 75 core data fields covered
  • You will be able to define the sales funnel by market research, not standard process
  • You get direct access to influential stakeholders and decision-makers
  • The information is 100% accurate, both technology and human-verified
  • List hygiene is maintained via data renewal every 45 days
  • Monthly (email and phone) and quarterly (SMTP and NCOA) verification processes are carried out to keep the database active
"The Lake B2B team was extremely responsive in addressing our challenges in a satisfactory manner. They quickly came up with good solutions and ensured that it met our needs"

– Simon Palmer

Assistant Product Manager

"The list seems to be of good quality and we have not had a large number of undeliverable emails. We do not have any complaints on the list and we would look at utilizing your company again in the future. Thank you again for all of your help and the wonderful customer service that we have received from your team."

– Dora Lisbon


"We enjoyed working with the Lake B2B on a list that identified the skills of the recipient versus just what company or market they represented. Regular feedback ensured we were getting the desired impact and they replaced the leads that did not meet that goal."

– Steve Peterson

VP, Marketing & Channel

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