International Business Email List

Get update record of International Business Executives from the US and other countries with our accurate and verified International Business Lists.

Total no. of contacts566,008

Global Contact Data


Countries Covered

Industry Job Title


Industry Expertise

100% Verified Database


Verified Database

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Maximize your profit with prepackaged International Business Mailing List

Maximize your marketing efforts with quality International Business Email Lists from the industry's largest B2B list database provider, Lake B2B. We assure our lists are accurate for your business and can help you expand your global sales. Our main aim is to put your brand on the world stage and enable it to compete successfully against even the biggest market players. The database is highly segmented and is updated every 90 days to ensure 100% deliverability which can help you reach your targeted contacts in minimum time driving better ROI with ease.

Our top selling International Email List that we compile comes with critical marketing information that includes specific location, with industry classification or revenue bracket, employee strength and many such combinations to accurately target your audience/ market. Our first priority at Lake B2B is to get the right kind of resources at your disposal to help you in your campaign strategizing. We believe that we can get you accurate data from US, UK, Canada, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Australia, Singapore and other countries. We offer the best International Mailing Lists for your global B2B customer information and prospecting needs.

How Lake B2b helps with the International Email Database

Sitting across borders it’s challenging to acquire accurate databases of business professionals, especially contact details of CVD title holders, Marketing and Sales heads, IT Decision Makers, Procurement Managers, Directors and others. That’s where we help businesses by:

  • Offering comprehensive marketing databases that are designed according to client specifications in order to take their marketing messages to decision makers across the US, UK, Canada, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Australia, Singapore and other countries
  • Delivering the easy-to-access, affordable and ready-to-use International Email Marketing Lists with the option of segmenting databases by company name, professional title, industry, revenue, employee size and more.

At Lake B2B we have over 13 years of market experience in offering world-class databases to assist b2b marketing and communications. As a member of DMA we ensure that we offer the International Business Email Addresses in accordance to statutory compliances. We therefore ensure that as authentic list providers we adhere to marketing norms, and by securing data from globally trusted sources like business cards, public notices, trade shows and more, we are able to offer data that is accurate, reliable and up-to-date.

Our International B2B Data includes:

USA Email ListUK Email ListCanada Business Email List
Australia Email ListEurope Business Email ListChina Email List
Japan Email ListSweden Email ListAustria Email List
Belgium Email ListGermany Email ListFrance Email List
Hong-Kong Email ListIndian Email ListIsrael Email List
Ireland Email ListItaly Email ListMalaysian Email List
Middle-East Email ListMexico Email ListNorway Email List
Netherlands Email ListRussian Email ListSingapore Email List
Spain Email ListSouth America Email ListSouth Africa Email List
Switzerland Email ListSweden Email ListFinland Business Email List
Grow your ROI with result-focused Global B2B Contact Data

Grow your ROI
with result-focused
Global B2B Contact Data

Choose data as per your specific criteria

Choose Industry

Choose Industry

Select Job Title

Select Job Title

Choose Location

Choose Location

Pick Employee Size

Pick Employee Size

Pick Revenue Size

Pick Revenue Size

Salient Features of International Business Executives Marketing List

  • Exhaustive International Business Executive Email List with contact details of professionals like accountants, lawyers and attorneys, investors, CVD title holders etc.
  • 1.2 million phone calls per month as a part of data verification
  • 100% telephone and email verified databases
  • Quarterly SMTP and NCOA verified to keep data fresh and active
  • Regularly updated and cleansed International Email Addresses to keep it free of duplicate and inaccurate data
  • Permission based email addresses to ensure that marketing messages reach genuine customers
  • 10 million verification messages sent every month to validate email addresses
  • Suitable for promoting products and services like business services offers, publications, high ticket gifts, financial services, networking etc.

So make sure that you don't find excuses for failing at global marketing campaigns and in reaching targeted business decision makers. With our International Business Database you will seldom have a reason not to succeed! So make haste and take action today!

Some of our popular email and
mailing lists for professional include

Benefits and Features of Lake B2B’s International Business Lists

Market trends, political upheaval, innovations in technology, new discoveries and R&Ds, natural disasters – these are events beyond the control of any one human being, but go a long way in affecting the outcome of businesses. It is therefore up to marketers to stay updated on market trends and gain meaningful insights for anticipating demand. With our up-to-date International Business Email Addresses it is possible for marketers to stay regularly in touch with their business associates and use multichannel campaigning for sending newsletters, acquiring magazine subscriptions, engaging in conversation to understand specific business needs, send invites for conferences and seminars, send updates on business trends and more!

With our International Email Lists not only is it convenient for marketers but also cost-effective to gain segmented and customized databases for supporting their campaigns. Your marketing strategies will only take you as far as identifying potential markets and prospective customers. They need Lake B2B’s databases for maximizing campaign impact and response.

"The Lake B2B team was extremely responsive in addressing our challenges in a satisfactory manner. They quickly came up with good solutions and ensured that it met our needs"

– Simon Palmer

Assistant Product Manager

"The list seems to be of good quality and we have not had a large number of undeliverable emails. We do not have any complaints on the list and we would look at utilizing your company again in the future. Thank you again for all of your help and the wonderful customer service that we have received from your team."

– Dora Lisbon


"We enjoyed working with the Lake B2B on a list that identified the skills of the recipient versus just what company or market they represented. Regular feedback ensured we were getting the desired impact and they replaced the leads that did not meet that goal."

– Steve Peterson

VP, Marketing & Channel

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