Business Email Lists

Market your products, solutions, and services in the US, UK, Canada, Europe, Asia, North America, Middle East, Australia, or any other major country with our business-to-business (B2B) email lists

Total no. of contacts
450+ Million Data

Global Contact Data


Countries Covered

Specialties and Titles


Industry Expertise

100% Verified Database


Verified Database

Healthcare Professionals


Delivery Guaranteed

*Last Updated : February 15, 2024

Find New Business Contacts with High Quality USA Business Email Database

Are you looking for business email lists?

Are you tired of sending emails to addresses that bounce back?

Do you want to maximize your ROI on your marketing campaigns?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then our customized business email lists are perfect for you.

Business Email Leads are an effective way to reach potential customers, and they’ve become a vital part of many businesses’ marketing campaigns. In fact, many companies have found that using a USA Business Email List is a more effective method to generate leads compared to cold calling or direct mailing.

New Business Contacts

What is included in a Business Mailing List?

We have a variety of Business Contact Lists available for sale and will customize contacts based on your needs:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Company Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Mailing Address
  • Country
  • State/Province
  • ZIP/Postal Code
  • SIC Code
  • Company Website
  • Primary Industry
  • Employee Size
  • Sales/Revenue
  • Company Website
  • NAICS Code
  • Contact Social Media URL
  • And More

Customize Your B2B Leads Database Based on the Following Categories:

C Level Executives Email List


International Mailing List


Healthcare Email List


IT Services Industry List


Mining Industry Database


Banking and Finance Mailing List


Industry Wise Email List


Technology Users List


Construction Industry


Real Estate Agents and Brokers


Manufacturing Industry Email List


Oil and Gas Industry Email List


Popular Business Information

Who should Buy Business Email Contact Lists?

If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur or marketer, you know how much time and effort you put into building your brand and marketing your products, but your reach is limited.

Your customers are everywhere– and so are their networks! They have friends and family who haven’t heard of your company yet, but may be interested in what you have to offer.

But how can you reach them? How can you get their attention and make sure they come back for more?

The answer is simple: by using B2B lists. Targeted Business Email Lists are generated from a wide range of verified sources, including public records and company websites, which means they’re full of people who are actively seeking new products and services just like yours.

When they sign up for these email lists, they’re agreeing to receive advertisements from companies like yours – which means that when you send them an email with information about your products or services, they’ll be more likely to open it.

Advantages of Business Contact Lists

How are contacts verified?

We collect data from legitimate sources including yellow pages, business directories, surveys, conferences, government records, and more. Our team human-verifies the contact information every 90 days to ensure clean and accurate information resulting in less bounce rates and increased delivery rates. You can count on us to successfully reach your key decision makers.

Business Email Address Lists are a great way to reach out to potential customers and convert them into sales. They’re your best bet for getting the attention of the buyers, because they’re more likely to respond than someone who is not looking for products or services like yours.

grow ROI

Grow your ROI with Result-focused Data Management Services

Email Appending

Email Appending

Data Cleansing

Data Cleansing

Data Enrichment

Data Enrichment

Data Verification

Data Verification

Data Compliance

Data Compliance

Account Intelligence

Account Intelligence

Why Buy Company Information Database

Why Buy Company Information Database from Lake B2B?

Lake B2B has access to the most comprehensive B2B Email Lists available. Our email data makes B2B prospecting easy by ensuring authentic leads every time.

Today marketers are under immense pressure to connect with decision-makers, professionals, and executives of leading companies who have the authority to make purchases. The contacts we provide in our B2B Mailing Database can help you make a seamless connection with your target market.

We clearly understand the challenges marketers face and hence we have developed the B2B Sales Database to make reaching your target audience easier across the globe.

top-level Business Executives

Connect with top-level Business Executives Using USA Business Email Database

Take advantage of our expertise and knowledge of 16+ years of core industry experience, to build effective business communication with your target audience. With Lake B2B, build your Business Sales Leads to target a specific audience that shows signs of buyer intent. Widen your customer base and establish a long-term relationship with your prospects.

Whether you wish to market your products, solutions, and services in the US, UK Canada, Europe, Asia, North America, Middle East, Australia, or any other major country, our Business Email List is sure to help you gain superior results in your multi-channel campaigns. The lists are created by investing significant efforts into the collection, verification, update, and organization of data so that the marketers can achieve more on their campaigns and realize a higher conversion rate. As each business has a unique set of challenges and priorities, we offer pre-packaged email lists as well as a customized list that aligns with your organization-specific marketing objectives.

Frequently Asked Questions


Business Email Lists from Lake B2B will help you to reach the right decision makers of your niche for effective marketing and increase ROI. You can reach your target audience and save time and resources. It provides relevant email addresses for campaign to provide optimum results.

Check out Lake B2B for their Business Email Lists. They are an established brand for providing the best quality and authentic B2B Email Lists to global clients. We have very loyal clients who rely on us and have become our repetitive customers.

Most of the successful businesses today prefer to buy Business Email Lists from Lake B2B and use it for their marketing initiatives. However before you buy email lists you should check out a few important points. Check whether your vendor is genuine and trustworthy

  • You should be able to get a customized list at affordable price
  • Data should be verified and updated to maintain accuracy
  • It should be opt-in and adhere to CAN-spam laws
  • Request for a free sample

Connects you with your target audience

  • Enables you to launch campaigns, generate leads
  • Increases business revenue
  • Helps expand business across countries
  • Connects with prospects who are interested in your services
  • All data is permission passed
"I have been using email lists from Lake B2B for over 2 years now and I am always impressed with the consistent quality of their lists. I can always rely on them to provide me with fresh leads, who have shown a high conversion rate. The variety of lists they offer has helped me build my customer base in various industries. "

– Sean

VP of Marketing

"I used to struggle with reaching key decision makers inboxes. With lists from Lake B2B I have significantly improved my email deliverability and have the confidence to launch any marketing campaign. The team at Lake B2B does a fantastic job at ensuring all information is accurate and up to date. I would recommend Lake B2B to anyone looking for a new list provider. "

– Joe

VP of Marketing

"I have been a customer of email lists from Lake B2B for over a year now and they have been instrumental in our online marketing success. Their email lists are not just good, they are great. I would say that our CTR has been through the roof with our targeted marketing campaigns. I am extremely satisfied with their lists and customer service and I would recommend Lake B2B to anyone looking for affordable but reliable data. "

– Shannon

Digital Marketing Manager

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