How Lake B2B Helped a Drone Education Service Provider Achieve 5X Campaign Performance in 17 Days of Deployment

Email CTRs Improved by 120%


LinkedIn Engagement Rates Improved by 200%


73% More Webinar Attendance Recorded


Industry :Education Management
Location :USA
Challenge :Contacting relevant leads for lead-gen and demand-gen despite a geo-targeted contact database

Know the Key Targets

As per Statista, the commercial drone market is expected to reach a whopping size of around $58.4 million by 2026, with a CAGR of 16% between 2021 and 2026. In Europe alone, there are nearly 10,000 commercial drone units and the education industry is also using these unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in making Mathematics, especially trigonometry a fun experience. Commercial drones are also used in teaching coding, stone quarry operations, and more.

Target Account and Titles

Chief Executive Officers (CEOs)Chief Operating Officers (COOs)
Chief Technical Officers (CTOs)Chief Financial Officers (CFOs)
Chief Information Officers (CIOs)

Meet the Client

The client company runs a gamut of commercial drone services, primarily for the purpose of education management and research. Meaning, they specialize in imparting education of commercial drones, both online and in-person based on the latest advancements in technology. Even custom-made drone education solutions are offered. The company has been catering to their clients’ needs for the past six years now.

The Key Challenge

The client company had been faithfully serving its customers in the North-American region and now wanted to expand its operations in the European region. Their aim was to run both demand-gen and lead-gen campaigns across multiple marketing channels. All of the decision-making heads involved in a company’s decision-making process were the target audience.

The client company had collated a contact database of these heads for targeting. However, it was found that the company’s sales and marketing teams only ended up contacting an uninterested audience or those without the budget or need for their services. Email CTRs were low, social media engagement rates were unsatisfactory, and even in cases where the audience was relevant, the follow-up calls were made to the wrong numbers.

The client’s sales pipeline had come to a standstill as it was neither growing nor flowing due to lack of accurate and relevant data. Being an education-focused company on commercial drones, the client’s content marketing pieces were high-quality, be it videos, whitepapers, eBooks, or case studies, but a blind marketing approach had led to fewer sign-ups, clicks, and engagement. Even personalized webinars were organized to give the audience a clear idea of what could be expected out of the client’s services yet the attendance was pretty low, proving that the client was nowhere close to capturing their TAM. Only blog posts with keywords of high purchase intent showed some hope but their positive impact was not enough to make up for poor campaign performance.

The Solution

At this time, the client approached the data experts of Lake B2B for help. The data experts ran a thorough market research and analysis to understand the client’s position in the market. It was found that despite many active or in-market buyers, the client was unable to reach out due to lack of intent-based contact data of their most qualified leads.

Lake B2B collated a fresh contact database for all companies that met the target criteria. These included :

RegionNumber of CompaniesTotal Number of Contacts

A total of 599 contacts were chosen for targeting taken from 152 companies across the target geography. All the contacts included were based on purchase intent; only those leads showing the strongest buying signals were chosen. Plus, the database underwent an eight-step verification process to ensure that all contact details were 100% accurate and duplicate-free.

Based on this database, multi-channel pilot programs were run. Hyper-personalized emails were sent. Social media ads across LinkedIn and Facebook were run. Even follow-up calls and emails were also sent for those who had signed up for webinars and eBooks or whitepapers.


The campaign results proved outstanding outcomes. Email CTRs improved by 120%. The social media engagement rates showed improvement of 200%. All follow-up calls and emails were not only delivered but one in every two even led to a purchase. The client was able to beat two of its top competitors within the span of 17 days of campaign deployment.

The client company’s CEO remarked, “Lake B2B’s growth-driven data experts have helped us not only generate quality leads but also to stay on top of their minds via campaign follow-ups. 73% more webinar attendance has been recorded and our sales pipeline is full of engaged prospects. We couldn’t have asked for a better data partner.”

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