Orthopedic Physician Database

Find your specialist target orthopedic surgeon database according to Foot and Ankle Surgery, Hip and Knee Replacement, Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, orthopaedic oncology, spine surgery and more.

Total no. of contacts
450+ Million Data

Global Contact Data


Countries Covered

Specialties and Titles


Industry Expertise

100% Verified Database


Verified Database

Healthcare Professionals


Delivery Guaranteed

*Last Updated : February 20, 2024

Time to Drive 10X Conversions Using Orthopedic Surgeon Email Lists Target orthopedic surgeon profiles by type of speciality and region to double your email response from orthopedics.

Build an accurate orthopedics surgeon data pipeline by region, hospital beds, payments and volumes, payor mix, point of care, specification, EHR/EMR Type and more insights.

Anesthesiologist Marketin

Cardiologist Marketing

Orthopedic Surgeon Engagement

Gain orthopedic surgeon emails by state, speciality and region. If you are a selling any product enhancing orthopedic care to patients, look no further. Get a segmented list of orthopedic surgeons and engage with them knowing their geography of influence and speciality so that your communication is personalized.

Anesthesiologist Jobs

Orthopedic Surgeon Salary

Find orthopedic surgeons researching salary and job openings.

Reach out the finest orthopedic surgeons from a database of 4 Million+ verified physicians.

Using the orthopedic surgeons list and Total Addressable Market (TAM) coverage, map your Device the best media plan knowing the exact number of orthopedic surgeons to whom you can pitch your offering.

Get Free Orthopedic Surgeons Lead Enrichment in Trial

Add More Relevant Information to Your List of Orthopedic Surgeon Whom You Have Chosen to Target.

  • Orthopedic surgeon Postal Address Appending
  • Orthopedic surgeon Email Address Appending
  • Orthopedic surgeon Data Reverse Appending
  • Orthopedic surgeon Phone Number Appending
  • Orthopedic surgeon Technographic Data Appending
  • Orthopedic surgeon Intent Data Appending
  • Orthopedic surgeon Social Media Profile Appending

Send us a file size of 50 records, and we will be happy to build an accurate sales-ready list of top Orthopedic surgeons lead profiles.


Accurate Orthopedic Surgeons Email Database to Lower Your Cost of Customer Acquisition

Target Every Orthopedic Surgeon Profile Knowing their Hospital or Clinic Size and Patientcare History.

Reach out to the right orthopedic surgeon contacts using our database that includes 40,000+ profiles who have intent for your offering. Use this surgeons’ database and email list to narrow down on those surgeon profiles that match the needs, problem statements solving and product affinity that you want to pitch.

Launch personalized orthopedic surgeon targeting email campaigns based on demographic, behavioral and firmographic and technographic data.

Target orthopedic surgeons based on specific locations which you consider your best markets – Zip codes, States, County, Country and more. We make it easy to build orthopedic surgeon lists with custom fields that include the type of nursing home or hospital they are currently employed with and the type of surgical procedures and insurance coverage affiliations, prescriptions intelligence and more.

Lake B2B lead data experts will help you build an ideal database of orthopedic surgeon profiles with matching intent for your offerings. We can further drill down to your ideal surgeon profiles based on the number of beds in Hospital and EHR/EMR Type in use. Narrow down your ideal surgeon mapping with Lake B2B’s data mining expertise to reach the right surgeon prospects based on licensed beds, staffed beds, ICU beds, labor room beds, birthing rooms, post-anesthesia details and more valuable insights.

Anesthesiologist email records

Load Database of Verified Orthopedic Surgeons to Ensure Sales CRM is Accurate and Target Ready

Lake B2B’s in-house and proprietary technology helps you add more information about your surgeon contacts. With the surgeon list of names with speciality and email IDs, now you can also add or append the matching phone numbers, postal addresses, hospital details and more. Match current, updated workplace and designation and add 200+ data attributes that are helpful for sales qualification and engaging with orthopedics.

Build an targeting pipeline of orthopedic surgeon contacts enabled by Lake B2B lead generation data experts.

Connect with orthopedic surgeons using their social media profiles and voicemail to personalize your communication:
  • Project orthopedic surgeons as influencers of the local community by knowing their geography, hospital and branch details.
  • Show surgeons how your product and services can help enhance patientcare and elevate their reputation.
  • Show select surgeon contacts how your product, service or certification can help them professionally.
  • Attract orthopedic surgeons by demonstrating how you can scale their revenue and profits.
  • Enroll orthopedic surgeons into your patient referral marketing, membership through personalized email marketing using our verified orthopedic surgeons email database
CategoryTotal Counts
Spine surgeon Email List2,251
Adult Reconstructive Orthopedics Email List3,009
Orthopedic Sports Medicine Specialist3741
Pediatric Orthopedics Email List1,140
Orthopedic Surgeons Vendors List1,233
Orthopedic Spine Surgeon Mailing List1,037
Category Total Counts
Orthopedic Surgeons Products Partners Email List1,171
Orthopedic Surgeons Products Consultants List2,122
Orthopedic Surgeons Decision Makers List3,218
List of orthopedic surgeon in USA1,808
Orthopedic Surgeons Product Users In Us3,005
Orthopedic Surgeons Users List3,053

What to Look for Before Buying a List of Orthopedic Surgeon Records

Anesthesiologist email records

Reliable USA orthopedic email records with NPI mapping and claims data add-on

Trusted physician email list verification and validation for kick starting your email marketing campaigns to engage orthopedic surgeon contacts. We are leaders in Healthcare Care Providers (HCP) data and enabling monetization of products and solutions in the USA.

Anesthesiologist email records

Target to different types of orthopedic surgeon titles based on certification and experience

Build your accurate orthopedic surgeon email lists and add more insights about orthopedics NPI targeting. Personalize communication to orthopedics using primary, secondary and tertiary specialities and more.

Anesthesiologist email records

Use our prescription data to gain more insights on surgeons’ drug adoption trends

Transform your orthopedic surgeon audience’s prescription data into actionable next steps and analyze or predict their decisioning. Gain insights on prescription drug activity within orthopedic surgeon profiles to upsell your offerings.

Anesthesiologist email records

Know whether anesthesiologists email marketing & media plans are mapped to the right email IDs

Know the exact number of orthopedic surgeon leads in your target market and engage them with a ROI focused market plan by deploying orthopedics email records. Elevate your inbox deliverability rate to attract relevant surgeon audience clicks.

"The Orthopedic Surgeon email list we purchased from Lake B2B has been a great investment for our company. Not only have we been able to reach out to a new audience of surgeons, but the leads we’ve generated through this list have been high quality and more likely to convert into customers. If you’re looking for a reliable source of orthopedic surgeon leads, I would highly recommend investing in an email list from LakeB2B.”

– Jayson Robert, Product


"The Orthopedic Surgeons email list proved to be a valuable resource for our enterprise. The list provided us with contact information for surgeons who specialize in orthopedics. This allowed us to reach out to potential customers and market our products and services directly to them. In addition, the list gave us insight into the minds of orthopedic surgeons and what motivates them when it comes to making purchasing decisions. We can use this knowledge to improve our marketing strategy and better target potential customers"

– Mathew Thomas, Head


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