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Category: Email Marketing

Use Lake B2B’s email marketing strategies to plan your email marketing, tele marketing and direct marketing campaigns & increase your ROI like never before.

Essential Email Marketing Tips for Your Christmas Campaigns

No matter what you consider the reason, ‘tis the season! The season to exchange gifts, the season ...

On High-Impact Voyage: Secrets of Result-driven Email Marketing

Email Marketing is considered as a go-to marketing channel by many savvy marketers! The reason being...

Setting Up Cold Email Outreach to Generate Leads

Getting through to strangers is hard! Be it in life or B2B marketing. Cold emailing is a challenging...

Building an Email List from Scratch: Dos and Don’ts

The fundamental objective behind targeted marketing is reaching the right audience through the right...

The Value of Email Marketing in the current Social Media Uprising!

Today we have billions of people hovering over multiple social media platforms. For some, Facebook, ...

Tips on Purchasing Quality B2B Email Lists

In this customer-led era, the only way to garner more customer response and better results is by kno...

Five Pitfalls You Must Avoid to Make Your B2B Email Marketing campaign successful

The marketing of a product or a service by an organization to another organization is a completely d...

Get Impressive Email Open Rates with these 8 Strategies

There are so many aspects of digital marketing that a marketer can use today. The marketing efforts ...

6 Essential Pillars of a B2B Marketing strategy for a professional services firm

When your company manufactures products to sell, a big advantage you have in its marketing is that y...

4 Ways to Use Email Marketing Effectively With Other Digital Marketing Channels

The number of options available to a digital marketer have increased manifold today. Apart from the ...