Data Management

Category: Email Marketing

Use Lake B2B’s email marketing strategies to plan your email marketing, tele marketing and direct marketing campaigns & increase your ROI like never before.

Do’s & Don’ts of Using Email Append Service

From older businesses relying solely on the postal address to enterprises looking to append or updat...

Steps to maintain Data prior to Email Appending

Maintaining data prior to email appending holds the key for an effective data appending campaign. By...

How do businesses benefit from Email Appending?

Businesses today are as much about communication as they are about sales. Successful business enterp...

As your business grows, you will need multiple conditions and parameters for segmentation

Let us say you open a burger kiosk near your home. You might start off by making 30 burgers a day, f...

What email marketing metrics are the most meaningful for your business?

Digital marketers have so many weapons in their arsenals today. But of all those ways of promoting a...

What parameters do you use to segment your email lists?

We spoke earlier of how important email marketing campaigns are to your overall digital marketing st...

What email marketing metrics do you track?

Any marketer would tell you that every activity they carry out is only as good as the results it bri...

4 ways to increase your Email Deliverability Ratio

Email deliverability has a direct impact on your campaign ROI. How effective is your email deliverab...

Success Metrics to Help You to Improve Email Performance

Your emails can be the source of several useful pointers regarding how effective they are. Read on t...

Best Ways to Acquire Validated Email ids with Newsletter Sign Ups

Teaser: Are you tired of sending thousands of emails with no response? Here is how you can insert us...