On High-Impact Voyage: Secrets of  Result-driven Email Marketing

On High-Impact Voyage: Secrets of Result-driven Email Marketing

Email Marketing is considered as a go-to marketing channel by many savvy marketers! The reason being – it is a great tool for customer engagement and loyalty, without breaking the bank.

“Email Marketing delivers 4X more ROI

over other marketing mediums”


Embarking on the journey of Email Marketing, as a first step, it is important to set relevant Email Marketing ‘Goals’ for your business.

Would you want your Email to showcase your products & services, in a bid to drive more visitors to your website? Or would you want to spawn Conversions by offering discount coupons? Maybe you simply want your customer to be reminded of your upcoming promotional event. It is crucial that you set clear ‘Goals’ before you dive into the realm of Email Marketing!


Moving on, the next imperative step is to create a conquering ‘Email List’. As they say “The money is in the List”! Never buy an Email List. Your Email List should comprise of Opt-in Subscribers you have an interest in receiving your Emails.

Build your own killer ‘Email List’:

  • Create a sign-up form on your website. How about installing a pop-up for first-time visitors, with a form for newsletter sign-ups?
  • If you have a physical store, influence your customers to sign-up – by offering them discount coupons on sharing their email addresses.
  • Share sign-up forms on your social media channels

Essential Tip: Remember your potential customers should give you their permission to send them Emails!

Welcome Email What next? Shoot your ‘Welcome Email’ immediately after amassing your Subscribers. Draft a winning Preheader text i.e. Subject Line to coax your reader into opening your Email.


Subject Line

You can ask probing questions to your first-time readers, to refine your future Emails. For example, if you are running a Bookstore know if your target customer is a fan of Classic Literature or Business News. On target?


Next, segment the personas of your target audience and ‘Customise’ your Emails in sync with demographic, geographic, behavioral, and psychographic preferences of your customers.



 “Crafting great Marketing Emails is an art!”

Marketing Emails

Few Pointers? Keep your Subject Line under 10 words – the words being relevant & potent. Personalize your Subject Line to boost Open Rates. To give an example, ‘Rita, would you like us to deliver your favorite Lilies today?’

Do not draft spammy Subject lines in ‘All Caps’ or use words such as free, % off, remainder, specials, or symbols such as ‘!’ mark. Add instructions for your subscriber to whitelist your Email. Follow Email regulations of your territory. Spring clean your Email Lists to remove inactive email addresses. Also, include an ‘Unsubscribe’ button for a result-driven campaign.


In addition, use the right tone of voice for your Brand’s Email. Pen captivating content. Keep your Email paragraphs 1-3 sentences long. Optimize your CTAs with the lure of discount coupons. Trigger ‘Offer Emails’ on customer anniversaries and birthdays.


Let us now take the highway! An Email Marketing service can strengthen your campaign to no bounds – by offering:

  1. Direct uploading of Email list spreadsheet
  2. Tailor-made sign-up forms
  3. Creation of targeted Email lists with personalized content
  4. Matching Email templates for similar campaigns
  5. Mobile-friendly features
  6. Custom-make day and time, for shooting Emails
  7. Tracking Email opening time and customer behavior (e.g. Links clicked by the customer)

Through Email Marketing services, each sent Email & its consequent feedback will pitch in to help you learn more about your audience.


“Forging a strong on-going relationship with your customers is the key to Email Marketing success”

Email Marketing is a process. Consistent effort is the only way to Drive Conversions. Create an Email Marketing Calendar to gain traction on your campaigns. Identify the best time and day to send your Email, as per your audience predispositions. Email Marketing

Lastly, use A/B Testing – as your magnifying glass – to know the efficacy of your campaigns. You can send two different versions of Subject Lines, Content, Images and even Frequency of sent Emails, to two different sub-groups to compare their Open Rates and resultant Conversions.

AB Testing


Easy to measure Analytical Tools are also available for informed decision making, for your future Email campaigns. They capture Email Marketing Metrics such as Open Rate, Click Through Rate, Conversion Rate, and Bounce Rate.


To sum up, your High-Impact Email Marketing blueprint is a pivotal precursor to successful Email campaigns!

 Email Campaigns