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Category: Email Marketing

Use Lake B2B’s email marketing strategies to plan your email marketing, tele marketing and direct marketing campaigns & increase your ROI like never before.

7 Tactics to Perfect Email Marketing Infrastructure

Is your email marketing infrastucture up-to-date? Are your emails getting to your customers inbox? W...

How to Determine Right Frequency for Email Marketing Campaigns

How many are too many? In email marketing, the frequency of emails is an important aspect of your ca...

Use this Email Calendar to Know the Best Time to Promote Your Medical Supplies

One of the biggest drivers of the US healthcare industry is the increase in aging population, typica...

Here’s an Email Marketing Campaign Planner to Improve Your ROI

With new digital marketing channels introduced, email marketing is still one of the channels that ge...

5 Email Marketing Strategies to Increase Open and Click-Through Rates

So you may have just acquired a big list or spent years growing it organically? That is just the fir...

Generate $36 on Every $1 Spent on Sending an Email. Know Your Email Marketing ROI

For every $1 spent, email has an average ROI of $36 Subscriber segmentation is the most effective ca...

5 Content Management Tips for Your Next Email Marketing Newsletter

While others are enjoying a late morning on a bleak Saturday, you are somewhere chalked to the block...

4 Ways to Build A Healthy Attorney Email List

How Email Marketing Works: Email Marketing Company: Step-1: Writing Email Template Content – 1 Day...

5 Point Checklist to Buy an Email List from List Providers

Undoubtedly email has proved the most successful marketing channel and no debates on that. Be it bra...

Knowhow of a Successful Social Media Marketing Campaign

“Short, Sweet, Simple”, “Keep It Short and Simple” – do the taglines strike a chord? W...